NTSE Registration 2021-22 – सभी विद्यार्थी ध्यान देंगे NTSE Application Form open हो गया हैं, आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपको इसके के बारे में सभी जानकारी देने वाले हैं, जैसे Eligibility, Required Documents, Who can Apply, Examination Details, सभी जानकारी इसके के बारे में इस पोस्ट में आपको मिले जायेगा, तो अगर आप इसके लिए Eligible होते हैं तो इसको जरुर Apply करेंगे !
NTSE Registration 2022
Name of the Scheme | National Talent Search Examination |
Article category | Registration Detailsof NTSE |
Department name | National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) |
Scheme Type | Scholarship scheme |
Examination | National Talent Search Examination |
Stages | 2 (Two) |
Session | 2021-22 |
Number of seat NTSE Scholarships | 2000 |
NTSE Registration steps | All steps given below |
NTSE Registration mode | Offline or Online (both) State wise |
NTSE Official website | www.ncert.nic.in |
Official Notification 2021 | Download Here |
Information Brochure | Check Here |
Scholarship Amount:
Class wise Scholarship Amount | |||
For Class XI & XII | For Undergraduate or Its Equivalent | For Post Graduate or Its Equivalent | For Ph.D |
Rs.1250/- Per Months | Rs.2000/- Per Months | Rs.2000/- Per Months | UGC के नियमानुसार MHRD, New Delhi के द्वारा दिया जायेगा |
NTSE School Register Steps:- Click here
Apply Important Dates
Events | Important Dates |
NTSE Form registration Date | State wise date released |
Last date of NTSE Registration | State wise date released |
Stage I Exams State Level) | 16th Jan 2022 or
15th Jan 2022 (some states) |
Reservation of NTSE:
as per govt. rule NTSE Exams also gives reservation for students check the category-wise reservation at national level i.e. for stage-2 examination, given below:-
Category | Reservation % |
Schedule Caste (SC) | 15% |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 7.5% |
Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) | 27% |
Economically Backward Section (EWS) | 10% |
Children with benchmark disabilities | 4% |
Eligibility Criteria of NTSE Form:
NTSE Application Form Apply करने से पहले आपको ये देखना हैं की आप इस फॉर्म के लिए योग्य हैं या नहीं हैं, कोन स्टूडेंट्स इसको अप्लाई कर सकते हैं सभी जानकारी यहाँ दिया गया हैं, योग्यता को देखे और अगर आप इसके लिए योग्य हैं तो इसे जरुर आवेदन करें!
For State Level Exams (Stage I)
- The students must be studying in class 10th in any recognized school/ Institute.
- All students eligible for this NTSE Exam, who are studying in Distance mode/ Corresponding mode of Class 10th studying.
For National Level Exam (Stage II)
- Stage- I Qualified students are eligible for Stage- II Examination.
If you want to know more information about eligibility criteria you can visit official website of NCERT (NTSE). i.e www.ncert.nic.in
NTSE Notification of Jharkhand State
How can you Apply online?
सभी विद्यार्थी जन गये हैं कोन कोन इसके लिए योग्य हैं, अभी बताने वाले हैं अगर आप इसको अप्लाई करना चाहते है तो कैसे फॉर्म को ऑनलाइन आवेदन करेंगे, निचे Steps दिया गया हैं एक बार जरुर देखें फिर आप खुद से आवेदन कर सकते हैं!
step 1:- go to the official website of state board education of your state (like Jharkhand students go to jac.jharkhand.gov.in) all other states students check below all states apply link:
step 2:- After go to State board official website you can see the option NTSE Registration
step 3:- Click on NTSE Registration, first time you have to register your self:
step 4 :- After Completed your Registration Login with Application No & password
step 5 :- Fill your all details Upload Photo and signature.
step 6:- Pay Application Fee of NTSE Examination
step 7:- After paid Fee Final Submit you Application Form.
step 8:- After Final submit application form take a print out for Future reference or Submit a copy of Application to your school/ institute for Verification School Level.
अगर आपको आवेदन करने में कोई परेशानी हैं तो निचे Comments करें, या निचे दिए गये Video को देखें !
NTSE State-wise Websites Links
Candidates can apply NTSE 2022 Application Form to the following address of the Liaison Officer concerning their State. or apply online official websites link below:
States/ UTs | Official Website | State Liaison officer |
Arunachal Pradesh | arunachalpradesh.gov.in/ | Mr. Gania Leij Dy. Director, Mrs. Oyi Tatak Incharge, Directorate of Secondary Education Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Naharlagun, Itanagar791111, Arunachal Pradesh Ph: 0360-2290471 |
Assam | madhyamik. in/ | Mr. Khabir Uddin Ahmed Dy. Director Office of the Director of Secondary Education, Kahilipara, Assam, Guwahati-781019 (Assam) |
Manipur | manipur.gov.in/dert/index.html/ | Sh. R.K. Tenedy Singh Vigyan Mandir Officer Directorate of Education (Schools), Lamphelpat, Imphal (Manipur)-795004 |
Meghalaya | megeducation.gov.in/ | Smt. Margarette C. Blah Selection Grade Lecturer Directorate of Educational Research And Training ((DERT), Laitmukhrah Nongrimmaw, Shillong793011 (Meghalaya) |
Mizoram | scert.mizoram.gov.in/post/ntse | Mrs. Zothanmawii Deputy Director, S.C.E.R.T., Chaltlang, Aizawl, Mizoram-796012 Ph: 0389-2347790 |
Nagaland | scertnagaland.org/default.aspx | Mr. Shilu A O Joint Director, SCERT, Nagaland, Kohima-798621 Ph: 0370-2270160 Fax 0370-2270173 |
Sikkim | sikkimhrdd.org/ | Mr. Bilal Prabhakar Deputy Director (Scholarship) Human Resource Development, Department of Education, Govt. of Sikkim, Tashiling Secretariat Gangtok-737101 (Sikkim) Ph: 03592-201029 03592-220903 |
Tripura | scertonline.tripura.gov.in/ | Smt. Kuheli Debbarma Deputy Director, Tripura State Council of Educational Research and Training, Abhay Nagar, Agartala, Tripura (West)-799005 Ph: 0381-2354867 0381-2354209 |
Andaman & Nicobar Islands | and.nic.in/ | Shri Mammen Thomas Principal, State Institute of Education Siksha Sadan, Link Road Port Blair-744101, (A&N Islands) Ph: 03192-232730 |
Bihar | scert.bihar.gov.in | Dr. Sanjiwan Sinha Director, S.C.E.R.T. Mahendru Post Office, Patna-800006 (Bihar) Ph: 0612-2370783 |
Jharkhand | jac.jharkhand.gov.in | Dr. Arbind Pd. Singh Chairman, Jharkhand Academic Council Ranchi, Gyandeep Campus, Bargawan Namkum, Ranchi- 834010 Ph: 0651-2261181, 6453342, 43, 44 and 45 |
Odisha | scertodisha.nic.in/ | Dr. Puspanjali Pani Assistant Director, Directorate of TE & S.C.E.R.T. Unit IV, Bhubaneswar-751001, Orissa Ph: 0674-2500881, 2502928 |
West Bengal | wbsed.gov.in/wbsed/welcome.html | Dr. Syed Nurus Salam Deputy Director of School Education (Basic) Directorate of School Education Bikas Bhawan, 7th Floor, East Block, Salt Lake City Kolkata-700091 (West Bengal) Ph: 033-23348005, 23345952 |
Chandigarh | such.nic.in/ | Mrs. Mamta Sharma Assistant Professor State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) Sector-32C, Chandigarh (U.T.) 160031 Ph: 0172-2676011 |
New Delhi | edudel.nic.in/ | Ms. Usha Chaturvedi Deputy Director, Directorate of Education Science & TV Branch Behind Lady Shri Ram College, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi-110024 Ph: 011-26280409, 26280413, 26280410 |
Jammu & Kashmir | jkbose.jk.gov.in/ | Dr. Farooq Ahmad Peer Director Academics, Liaison Officer (NTS) J&K State Board of School, Education, New Campus Lal Mandi, Bemina, Srinagar (J&K)-190018 Ph: 0194-2494522 |
Haryana | scertharyana.gov.in/talent-search-exam/ | Sh. Sunil Vashishta Lecturer Commerce, S.C.E.R.T., Sohna Road, Opp. Panchayat Bhawan, Gurugram-122001 (Haryana) Ph: 0124-2321909 |
Himachal Pradesh | himachal.nic.in/en-IN/ | Mrs. Rajni Sankhyan Associate Professor S.C.E.R.T., RABON Solan-173211, (Himachal Pradesh) Ph: 0179-227135 |
Punjab | ssapunjab.org/ | Mrs. Rumkeet Kaur Lecturer in Math State Institute of Science Education, PSEB Complex, Block-E, 6th Floor, Phase-8, Ajitgarh, SAS Nagar (Mohali), Punjab Ph: 0172-2212221 |
Rajasthan | rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/ | Mr. Rajendra Kumar Saxena Assistant Director Exam, Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer, Rajasthan-305001 Ph: 0145-2632877 |
Uttar Pradesh | examregulatoryauthorityup.in/HOME.aspx | Mrs.Usha Chandra Director, Bureau of Psychology SCERT, 2 Lowther Road Allahabad-211001 (UP) Ph: 7376270563 |
Uttarakhand | scert.uk.gov.in/ | Dr. Harish Chandra Badoni Lecturer State Council of Educational Research and Training, Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya, I.T Campus, Nanurkhera, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Ph: 0135-2789655, 2789710 |
Chhattisgarh | scert.cg.gov.in/ | Dr. Prasoon Sarkar Professor, State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT), DIET Campus, Shankar Nagar, Raipur, Chattishgarh-492001. Ph: 0771-2442241, 2443596 |
Daman & Diu | daman.nic.in/ | Sh. Rajesh J Halpati Head Master Government High School Nani Daman Vaniyawad Opposite Custom House, Daman & Diu -396210 Ph: 0260-2250154 |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli | dnh.nic.in/departmentsnew.aspx | Sh. Salim Dinganker, State Liaison Officer, NTS/NMMS Directorate of Education 1st Floor, Building No.5 PWD Campus, Above Animal Husbandry, Silvassa-396230 UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Ph: 09724507337 |
Goa | education.goa.gov.in/ | Sh. Jaywant Waman Naik, Vocational Education Officer, Directorate of Education, State Council of Educational Research and Training Alto-Porvorim, Bardez-403521 (Goa) Ph: 0832-2417276 0832-2413649 |
Gujarat | sebexam.org/ | Sh. Dharmendra R Saradava, Secretary, Gujarat State Examination Board, Opp. Government Library, Sector-21, Gandhinagar Gujarat-382021 Ph: 079-23248461, 23248462 |
Madhya Pradesh | ssa.mp.gov.in/ | Ms. Surbhi Parashar Assistant Manager, Rajya Shiksha Kendra Pustak Bhawan “B” Wing, Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011 (M.P.) Ph: 0755-2559952 |
Maharashtra | mscepune.in/ | Sh. T.N. Supe, Commissioner, Maharashtra State Council of Examinations 17-Dr. Ambedkar Road, Pune-411001 (Maharashtra). Ph: 020-26123066, 26123067 |
Andhra Pradesh | main.bseap.org/ | Sh. D. Ramachandra Murthy, Deputy Commissioner, Office of The Director of Govt. Examinations D.No. 20-124, Beside SPNRCH High School Opp. Andhra Hospitals, Gollapudi Vijaywada, A.P-521225 Ph: 0866-2974550, 2974540 |
Karnataka | dsert.kar.nic.in/ | Sh. Jaya Kumar H.S., Senior Assistant Director, DSERT, No.4, 100 feet Ring Road, Banashankari, 3rd Stage, Bangalore-560085 (Karnataka) Ph: 080-26422239, 26980100, 26422372/306 |
Kerala | scert.kerala.gov.in/ | Dr. Meena. S Assistant Professor, S.C.E.R.T., Vidhya Bhavan Poojappura (P.O.)Thiruvananthapuram-695012 Ph: 0471-2346113 |
Lakshadweep | dietlakshadweep.nic.in/importantlinks.htm | Mr. Chandrashekhar, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kavaratti, UT of Lakshadweep-682555 Ph: 04896-262874 |
Puducherry | schooledn.puducherry.gov.in/ | Dr. J.Krishna Raju, Joint Director, Directorate of School Education, Perunthalaivar. Complex, Anna Nagar Puducherry-605005 Ph: 0413-2207260 |
Tamil Nadu | tnscert.org/tnscert | Ms. D. Vasundra Devi, Director, Directorate of Govt. Examinations, College Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600006 Ph: 044-28272088, 28278286 and 28203089 Email: [email protected] |
Telangana | scert.telangana.gov.in/ | Sh. D. Chalapathi Rao, Deputy Commissioner, Director of Govt. Examinations Chapel Road, Hyderabad Telangana-500001 Ph: 040-23230942 Email: [email protected] |
1 Comment
Pritam sing · November 5, 2021 at 11:03 am
Very informative